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Nottingham Street Vlog

Nottingham 10k Run Vlog


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The finish line looms, and it’s all hands on deck for one final push. We’re not just running; we’re flying on sheer determination and a sprinkle of madness!

Crossing the finish line feels like pure magic—a mix of relief, exhaustion, and euphoria. Shoutout to all the fellow runners who powered through those brutal hills with grit and grace.

#nottingham #running #vlog #sport #10krun

Guess what, folks? It’s race day! And boy, are we geared up with the essentials: coffee, check! Yeah, baby! Flat whites and carbs? Absolutely! After all, we’ve got an hour and a half journey ahead, so let’s hit the road!

Well, good morning and a hearty welcome to Nottingham! We’ve got quite the squad assembled, all making our way down to the start line. Now, let me tell you, this race is one big mystery box. With all the miles in our legs, a crack-of-dawn journey, and Nottingham’s reputation for hills, who knows what’s in store?

Take a look around—there’s Ma, S, Chris, Richard (the beautifully bearded Rich), and the Wags bringing up the rear with their furry friends. Yep, it’s a full-on Squad R kind of day! So, how’s everyone feeling? Wide awake and raring to go, I hope? You betcha! We’ve all been up since the crack of dawn, fueled on enthusiasm and caffeine.

And there’s the Sheriff of Nottingham himself, Rich, the mastermind behind our early morning adventure. “Come do the Nottingham 10K,” he said. “It’ll be a piece of cake!” Famous last words, right? So, any predictions for today’s race times? Sub-30? Sub-what-now? Chris is aiming for a new personal best, while Rich dreams of home glory. As for me, well, let’s just say I’ll be happy to finish standing!

Quick check-in with the lads—how’s the vibe? All good, with a warm-up run under their belts. Marathon faces on, ready to tackle those hills head-on!

Now, let the countdown begin, with the Sheriff leading the charge! And off we go, pounding the pavement with eager anticipation.

Twenty-five minutes to go, and I’m still figuring out my game plan. But hey, I’ll probably aim for just below PB pace—a tempo effort sounds about right. No lofty PB dreams today, not with these hills to conquer! Besides, with a PB pace of 44:20, I’d need wings to fly through this course!

Ah, the starting pen beckons. Time to blend in with the crowd and psych ourselves up for the challenge ahead. And we’re off, with cheers and adrenaline fueling our every step.

As the kilometers tick by, the reality of those hills sinks in. But hey, we’re not here to break records; we’re here to break a sweat and have a blast! Shoutout to Jake for the mid-race pep talk—just what I needed to tackle the next stretch.

Eight kilometers down, and I’ve lost track of time. No more watch-checking; just keep pushing towards Nottingham Castle, channeling the spirit of running legends past.

The finish line looms, and it’s all hands on deck for one final push. We’re not just running; we’re flying on sheer determination and a sprinkle of madness!

Crossing the finish line feels like pure magic—a mix of relief, exhaustion, and euphoria. Shoutout to all the fellow runners who powered through those brutal hills with grit and grace.

Post-race reflections reveal a mixed bag of emotions—pain, pride, and plenty of laughter. Despite the hills, the cobbles, and the unexpected twists, we came, we ran, and we conquered!

As we regroup for some much-needed refueling, the banter flows as freely as the coffee. Special shoutout to Sam for his superhero performance—proof that a love for hills can work wonders!

And with that, we bid farewell to Nottingham, a city of surprises and steep inclines. Until next time, keep pounding those pavements, wherever they may lead. And as always, stay awesome, stay adventurous, and keep chasing those finish lines!

Oh, and a special shoutout to Jazz for the epic sign-off. Take it away, buddy—Tada!