Here in Nottingham, we have always had a great live music scene and we here at Notts.Online are always keen to listen to what our city is producing musically.
Nottinghamshire’s Country Parks Covid
Colwick residents outraged as crowds flock to local nature reserve. After the latest UK Government guidelines were announced (https://www.gov.uk/government/news/pm-six-people-can-meet-outside-under-new-measures-to-ease-lockdown) allowing groups of 6 to converge in open spaces (announced 28/05/20), it is apparent that Nottingham’s outdoor spaces will bare the brunt of the increase in local ‘Lockdown-Tourism’. This was the scene today at the popular…
Should we all stay quarantined? #notts
Over the past 10 weeks, we have seen countless mixed-messages by the UK gov on how we will resolve the ongoing pandemic through staying indoors and only leaving our houses for ‘essential’ reasons. We have also heard from other countries on how they have tackled the same issues we are facing (it is exactly the…