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Machete Knife wielding criminals set Free in Nottingham


fight CCTV Nottingham Knife ATTACK


Recent Machete Attack Follow update sentencing info from courts and Charges for Knife Crime Incident at a Nottingham College

teenagers involved in a knife fight outside a college has been sentenced. #nottingham #crime

Is anyone still surpised why children and teenagers carry swords and huge blades around Nottingham?

At any given moment it seems that anyone can just whip out a dangerous weapon in the city centre and still be forgiven for not taking a second thought about any perceived consequences….literally.

As we have seen such a large increase in violent crime and stabbings and slashing with huge zombie knives, becoming a regular occurence in our sweet Nottingham city.

On this occasion the young lads who decided to exhange steel outside a beautifully designed New College building, in the city centre during the sunniest of afternoons.

Apparently according to the news reports, they had some kind of disagreement which led to them having no apparent choice but to attempt to murder each other!

The only way my common sense will allow me to see it….. is,

their remorse or wounds should be secondary in any objective observation upon these types of situations, which still affect every single member of the public, whether witnessed or not, people who read the news and walk past these places where these events occur, will always have the thought that maybe it’s going to be another student the next day?

The fact that the criminals only received non custodial sentences is an awful example of how, if you carry and utilise death delivering machete blades at college, you can probably get away with a slap on the wrists if its your first offence, first offence you were caught for anyway! Then proceed to walk home from court rubbing shoulders with potentially the innocent bystanders who may have witnessed it!

This is from the Police’s Website (edited for brevity)

Police were called to Canal Street, Nottingham, on 2 February 2023 following reports of an altercation involving a small group of youths near the front entrance of Nottingham College.

All three required hospital treatment following the incident and were all subsequently arrested.

Nottingham Crown Court heard the fight involved 18-year-old Ayomida Ajayi and two boys aged 16 and 17, who cannot be named as they are under 18.

CCTV showed Ajayi being confronted by the two other defendants after exiting the college just before 11.30am, with police inquiries suggesting they had arranged to meet in order to settle a dispute.

Footage showed the 17-year-old producing a large knife and lunging towards Ajayi, who in turn produced a large machete.

A fight lasting around 20 seconds then broke out between the pair, with the 16-year-old joining in by kicking out at Ajayi.

The trio all fled the scene having suffered injuries.

All three were subsequently charged and put before the courts.

On Friday last week (31 March 2023), Ajayi, of Osman Close, The Meadows, was given a 10-month detention order, suspended for two years, after pleading guilty to affray and possession of a bladed article. He must also undertake a thinking skills programme lasting 31 days.

The other two defendants have also appeared before the courts.

The 17-year-old appeared at Nottingham Youth Court on 1 March after also admitting to affray and possession of a bladed article at a previous hearing. Sentencing was adjourned until 19 April 2023 for pre-sentence reports.

Meanwhile, the 16-year-old pleaded guilty to affray. He was sentenced at Nottingham Youth Court on 1 March 2023 and made subject of a 12-month referral order.

“All three defendants required hospital treatment and it was very fortunate neither of them were not more seriously injured.”

Yeah thank God they didnt hurt each other!, they are all free though so, no real harm done i suppose>????!!!

“As always the public have a very important part to play in helping to keep knives off our streets. They can help us as an extra of eyes and ears in our fight against serious violence and knife crime, and by making a report to us you could help save a life.

“If you are worried that someone you know is carrying a knife, please report it. We can then take appropriate action to safeguard them and others.

“If you need to report a knife related crime to police, please report it to us online via our website, call 101 or dial 999 in an emergency if there is an immediate danger to life.”