The advisory group has recommended that Nottingham City Council becomes the custodian of the site. They also say that the return on investment will be unprecedented in the city’s history. The council is prepared to submit bids to unlock the site’s potential. They have also contacted the Government’s Levelling Up Fund.
Several advisory groups have been working on plans to regenerate the Broadmarsh area for the past two years. This includes the Nottingham Green Quarter proposal, which has gained substantial interest. The Nottingham Green Quarter proposed that the area be developed with a mix of nature and eco housing. It also included a central green space.
However, Nottingham City Council was hesitant to accept the idea of natural greenspace as a solution to the Broadmarsh development. The council is now admitting that green public realm is an important part of its plans. It is currently preparing to appoint a project manager to work on Broad Marsh.

Nottingham City Council has been tasked with deciding the future of the Broadmarsh site after Intu went into administration. The council set up an independent Advisory Group to develop a vision for the site. This group has now released a blueprint for the site. Its design includes a focus on play and food. The design shows the rough edges of the building as a symbol of truthfulness and openness.
The design of the Broadmarsh Centre focuses on its performance. The structure will be reused as a mixed-use framework. The new building will offer a variety of retail units. It will also feature double-height windows. In addition, it will also have a cinema.
The Broadmarsh project will also include a new bus station and car park. It will also reinstate historic streets and Drury Hill. It will also feature culture zones to the north and south. The project is expected to take two to three years to complete. It is estimated to cost around PS70 million. The project will also involve a new Central Library.
Nottingham City Council has appointed a special panel to develop the plan. The group has also consulted with the community to discuss future uses for the site. They have been working with more than 100 organisations. The Big Conversation, which ran for two months, asked the public for their opinion on re-imagining the site. It is expected that the Broadmarsh development will provide jobs, housing, a new bus station and a quality of life for Nottingham.
The advisory group has recommended that Nottingham City Council becomes the custodian of the site. They also say that the return on investment will be unprecedented in the city’s history. The council is prepared to submit bids to unlock the site’s potential. They have also contacted the Government’s Levelling Up Fund.
The council has also commissioned the world-renowned design studio Heatherwick Studio to develop a new Vision for the site. It is led by British designer Thomas Heatherwick. He is also known for his plant-covered 1000 Trees development in Shanghai. He is also the architect of the new Google ‘landscraper’ in King’s Cross. The studio has now been endorsed by the Advisory Group.
The design of the Broadmarsh centre is expected to provide an unprecedented economic opportunity for Nottingham. It will provide new retail outlets and leisure facilities for families and children. It will also be part of a heritage and culture trail through the city centre.