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Nottingham Forest Podcast – Garibaldi Red 118


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Garibaldi Red Podcast #nffc – 118

hello and welcome to uh the latest edition of our gary baldy red podcast i’m sarah clapson and i have some great guests here alongside me um gary bertles and greg mitchell from forza gary baldi here to chat about saturday and look ahead to bournemouth hello both you’re all well good afternoon good morning say good afternoon yeah just about how are you doing greg yeah i’m good thanks very well it’s strange being on here and not after a win you get so used to being on here well yeah exactly yeah it does feel a little bit like that it could have been a win on saturday very nearly was a win very nearly was a defeat but a draw in the end um greg what did you make of it point of good result in the end oh absolutely after after the carnage of the last 10 minutes the point was a brilliant result you walked out there wanting to hear the best depeche mode playing didn’t you felt it felt like a win it would have been disappointing at the start of the game to just get the draw but with all that went on yeah you absolutely snapped the hands off for that and it did ever so well with 10 men to get it yeah agree with that gary or would you want to yeah i mean i think you have to put in perspective a little bit uh if you go back what six months there’s no way we’ve got to point out that game you know pure and simple um they you know stoke would have won that game i think and the resilience and the belief that steve has instilled into the squad was evident again and uh it’s that never say die attitude that you know can get us in the playoffs can put a bit of pressure that on the teams that are in there already um i mean thank goodness of seven minutes of injury time at the end that saved us a little bit but you know going 2-1 down you have to sometimes give the opposition the credit they deserve as well because i think they did a little bit of homework on us and they stopped our key players having an impact in the game they did the basics very well stoked but they closed down very well uh they knew whether the big threats were coming from and you know you have to give them credit but like i said we would have won that game we wouldn’t we would have drawn that game six months ago we’d i think they’d have been outside because they were pretty good on the day stoke and uh yeah you have to give us credit as well as them for for hanging in there with 10 men because they must have thought they’d won it you know that goalkeeper getting sent off you know their fans in that british villain thought that that they won it and they hadn’t you know a bit of class at the end from from garner and you know a bit a bit of maybe not look i think keeper might have actually saved that you know i think he might got fingertips to it people were saying that but it’s about you know pouncing on things like that and you’ve got to gamble sometimes and you know yates gambled he was there and gambled and you know expected the unexpected and that’s what got us a point and yeah it could be significant in uh you know the way the rest of the season pans out because teams in the top six get nervous they will get nervous they will drop points they have to play each other you’re seeing some strange results at the moment and um you know it’s it’s that sort of table again you think it’s all set in stone the ones who are going to be in the playoff positions and all of a sudden you know a couple of results go different ways do you you think they’re going to go and you know the team’s getting contention sheffield united are the ones who are suddenly you know just inching forward you know so you watch out for teams like that and sometimes it’s best to be out the top six when you go on a run and try and put pressure on the teams that have been there for a very long time which most of those have it’s probably easy to say in hindsight but do you think there should have been maybe a couple more changes to the starting eleven did it look like a team that had played three games in a week and maybe needed a bit of a bit of fresh legs in there at the start and what i thought after this first half at half time we we knew we were missing something and i’m sure there’s some tired legs in that team all the games were playing but we missed yates didn’t we and you know fair play to him because at the start of the season not many people would have been saying that and as soon as it came on there seemed to be a bit more belief and a bit more control in the middle uh i agree about st um stoke doing their homework they really packed out the side of spence and johnson and they certainly did the homework on brie samba um i mean we’ve got four and a half minutes in and i haven’t mentioned the rest yet so i’m yeah they did the homework and the samba incident you know it did change the game not only ascending off a goal as well and i think even if warrell would have saved it would have been a retake because he was about his six yard line when they kicked it but it just shows how important players like yates are for us and how you know the manager has managed to change those types of players and it’s vital now we go to friday and hopefully his legs will be a little bit fresher the new goalkeeper he might be able to make a name for himself because i mean i speak to people in the pub after and the thing with samba uh it was my friend steve was saying that it’s the such a fine line between like genius and insanity isn’t it and i think stoke realized that and he made a stupid error and of course jaguar goes down so easily but you can’t do that this is going to be the words i was hearing coming out of everybody’s mouth it’s been an accident waiting to happen yeah yeah it’s been coming a long time the number of people who actually said that was you know staggering and it was it was absolutely ridiculous but going back to your point about tiredness i i think mentally as well the games have had when you go back to the arsenal game you know that that’s the premier league side and they they put loads of f into that to win that game then you got the derby game which is always highly intense and you know it was on a knife edge at the end because they pulled one back then you go to blackburn and win a game you win at uh against leicester east midlands rivals and all those things you know results were absolutely unbelievably good but it can take it out of you mentally probably more than physically and um i thought they coped remarkably well really i thought jack colback was terrific for us on on saturday um he seemed to be on you know the end of everything he was breaking up play he was doing all the right things and you know samba’s moments of madness what can you say what i liked is when he got sent off and he walked past the manager and stephen reed and um i forgot and yeah the three of them on the touchline alan tate they blanked him totally blanked him nothing was said i think he was walking past for maybe a little bit of you know well don’t worry about it you know probably a bad decision but steve came out and said i’ve got a problem with the referee that you know he made the right decision it was stupid and they just didn’t even look at him as he walked past and i i quite like that um but talking about referees i thought he was one of the worst referees i’ve seen this season i don’t like having to go to referees but the inconsistencies he showed was just absolutely staggering you know i i was gonna say i think that i think steve cooper didn’t have a problem with the referee but maybe not the red card decision he’s got every right to have a you know problem with the referee because he was poor without a doubt um but not he could do nothing about that what samba did it was sending off and it’s a penalty remember the tanglement in the back of the net was it the derby game yeah was that the game you know you thought there he was lucky not to get sent off learn your lessons you know but yeah you’ve got to put it to bed now it’s gone can’t change it he’s going to get suspended but the big thing is he has got to learn from it if he doesn’t learn from it then you know you shouldn’t be there because it was a horrendous mistake but we got away with it he he would be giving everybody a big pat on the back in that dressing room and so he should do he’s a bit of a fan’s favorite though isn’t he greg because of those antics sometimes so will you take that away from him or do you just say reign in a little bit he’s got to reign it in but i’m not so sure he can i mean even on even on twitter he uses the old name that brian cluff used to use for mark crossley and i think he’s the best keeper i’ve seen since crossley he’s he’s a brilliant shot stopper he plays the modern way you know like an 11th outfield player sometimes but he was gunner costas and he has costas and i did read that um he got a big dressing down of cooper after the derby game so he’s going to be so disappointed that he just clearly didn’t listen he’s brilliant at managing time but all the referees know about that referee was desperate to get someone sent off or be the name you know that everyone’s talking about in the next week but you give him the opportunity and it’s just stupid but take that away for his game is he going to change there was there’s a video from the blackburn game with johnson’s penalty and you look in the background and samba’s nowhere near his goal he’s like on the touchline the defenders again getting your goal just as johnson’s about to run up so this that i don’t know whether it’s like naivety or or what but he’s gotta reign it in because as good as he is and he is the best keeper i’ve seen since crosley cooper might decide in the summer you know he’s he’s a liability he’s cost us games so he might have to look elsewhere but it gives smith smith or horvath a brilliant opportunity next few games and who knows you might find it tough to get back in so he’ll certainly learn his lesson he’s got to can you coach that out of him gary can you coach somebody to to not to that aspect of his personality can you can you coach stupidity out of somebody yeah uh yes you should be able to i mean steve nobody can do it there’s only one person who can sort it out and change it around and that’s bryce you know he’s got to realize that he can’t do things like that it’s just an embarrassment because it’s so obvious and so blatant he wasn’t even trying to you know when the referee was looking away it was right i’m gonna whack you now because you won’t let me throw the ball and the referee is right next to him you’ve got no option but to give a penalty and i don’t like to be talking about that for too long because everybody knows it could have been so costly and it was stupid i i don’t know what goes through his mind um you know i played with some great keepers at forest you know i played with shelton played with chris woods played with van breukelen um you know steve sutton was there hans sega’s and you know they all had their little idiosyncrasies but nobody went and did things like that it was just madness and you know the the gasps around the ground you know and you heard the chatter in and around where i was sat and it was that’s been that that’s that’s been waiting to come that has that that was going to happen and it was allowed you know it was people were saying that fans were saying it you know people in the director’s boxes you could hear it it was just uh you know one idiotic moment but let’s hope he learns from it yeah i mean sitting out a few games he’s probably going to be as good a time as any for him to reflect on it it looks like it will be ethan halvas probably in goal um he’s been the backup keeper at least i think we all remember his last league game or his only league game i should say and and it proved the end of chris hewton um well let’s just sarah just put it in perspective about their manager said what a great game samford had and he made some terrific saves yeah he did a low down to his right they were going bottom corner and he had to get down because he bounced in front and he palmed it wide we saw the both sides of what he can do you know fantastic saves you know probably kept us in the game at times and then that moment where he could have cost us a game cut the last one out and just keep doing what you were doing because you are one of the best keepers in the league without a doubt you know end off if you can get that right then you know we’ve still got a fantastic goalkeeper there feel confident going into friday greg with with ethan horvath in goal or would that change anything do you think when we signed him i thought well what a strange decision because he’s a he’s a number one goalie i don’t think he is a backup keeper he must be so frustrated the last few months not to get a chance after his mistake uh he played in the cup game didn’t he and played well league cup i think so yeah i’m excited to see him i know you know bournemouth are such a good team so he’s gonna have to be on top of his game and i’m sure he can’t wait to get out there so it’s not an issue for me it’s not like uh it can be sometimes when you lose a player i’m confident i think he’ll do all right yeah he’s got good defenders in front of him as well hasn’t he um if joe warren and steve cook and scott mckenna all play that’s a pretty good back line to have in front of you big game though isn’t it on friday bournemouth um it is but bournemouth won’t be looking forward to it no they’re you know they’re all susceptible sometimes bournemouth you know they’re the one team who you would expect to carry on and but when you expect them to it’s it’s stuttered a little bit yes they’re a very good side but when you get in that position i can remember all the years ago when i was at knotts county when we had the great you know real good team with jeff pike and gary mills charlie mcparland you know all that team we’re in the top two for the whole of the season and with five games to go we couldn’t win a game you know and you you slip out into the playoffs it’s possible that can happen and you know bournemouth will be fully aware of that and it can you know generate around the squad that you know you are getting a little bit nervy you are getting you know looking over your shoulder who’s coming up behind you and uh you know first you’ve got to take advantage and away from home you mean that performance against blackburn was superb you know you probably maybe not saw that coming but i think we have the perfect setup away from home um you know with the three at the back and you know the counter attacking threat that we pose that we do at home you know sometimes you run away with it other times like you say you’ve got to give the opposition you know credit for what they’ve done in in stopping you and um you know the plan was evident blot out their key players that’s our key players and stoke did that well for a lot of the game but again the belief that steve cooper has put into that squad was massively evident you know before it would have been a slump of the shoulders oh you know we’ve lost the game now silly mistake by our goalkeeper but no you know the the equalizer they thought was there and you know it’s a classic free kick you have to say but you have to take advantage yeah it was an easy chance but you’re making an easy chance by being there yeah i was pleased he got a header yeah he’s mustafa wasn’t he was due we were talking about it before the game about that and uh yeah it’s good that that’s his only fault isn’t it he’s heading and uh good on him because yeah he was exactly in the right position i played with dean yates but no he said he’s certainly got a reputation as having a bit of a 50 pm doesn’t he let’s see good on him now for getting that goal and he just all he’s done this season is shut up the doubters hasn’t he so he’s just done it again on saturday um but i like what gary said about bournemouth because you have to remember as well it’s not just the league table it’s the form table isn’t it and we’re right up there we’re probably ahead of them i think we’ve got 25 points away from home which we’ve never really been a good away team have we so superb and yeah i can’t wait to get down there and see what we can do to be honest yikes coming to the team do you think on friday would you play him to be on greg um surprisingly he’s in there yeah i i i will see sorry yeah i would expect to see him in there without a doubt um you know obviously steve’s choice but uh i think you see how important he is to the team um depends will call back and gates play together again why not you know they’ve been pretty good when they have paired up together and it’s not going to be an easy game and maybe your resilience is going to be top of the order and you have two resilient midfield players in respect of that and when you’ve got a back three like that uh you know i think that gives you even more confidence away from home and the other thing is what about being able to take one of those back three off and bring on someone like might and you couldn’t get a completely different player to a central defender and now he’s back he just adds such another aspect to our game uh especially when we need it when we think right we’re not so bothered about conceding now let’s see what we do at the other end and switch it like cooper did uh and you expect a similar thing on friday a bench is like one of our biggest weapons this season so getting might and back is brilliant really good i showed they wanted to win the game as well didn’t they making an attacking substitution like that which is something we’ve not always seen and it shows real intent um on the manager’s partner on forest park which is great to see i i think steve is one of those managers who i love because he won’t do it when it’s the hour mark you see in the coaching manuals people tell you within football right we’ll get the subs on after an hour you know and it sometimes does happen it’s around 58 59 minutes you’ll see a sub come on steve will take players off if he thinks it’s the right thing to do whether it’s just first half early in the second half you know he makes those decisions and i and i i think when he whenever he’s made those decisions in games i think it’s paid off more more times than it’s not and to have a manager who’s prepared to do that and go for the game you know be positive about it i think it’s great for the players as well because you know they’ll see it and let’s say right you know he’s made this change at this time of the game clearly we want to win this game and i i think you’ve got to give the manager a huge respect for for being able to do that and not worry about the consequences i was going to ask you gary about sam suraj and what you’ve made of him so far i think he’s done quite well in the short appearances that he’s had so far he’s maybe not quite pushing for a start yet but but what have you made of him it’s difficult because he’s only just come in um he’s been on the bench and it’s never easy coming off the bench and trying to make an impact in a game um you know davis i think has picked up the uh mantle really well and i think he struggled a little bit at the weekend uh at times but he’s a even when he’s struggling a little bit he’s still a massive threat you know he’s difficult to mark he’s awkward he’ll you know he’ll make it difficult for center hearts by backing in he’s good in the air uh he’s a target he’s an outlet and you know i think he can only improve and uh once you know his fitness levels keep getting better you know coming to the end of the season we’ll we’ll need the likes of um you know sorry and and uh davis lewis grab him we don’t know when he’s coming back yet um whether he’ll make it before the end of the season and how bad the injury is so at least you know when he comes back if he does come back you know you’ve got a fresh goalscorer coming in a vital period maybe so getting through these games now with that you know a fully fit squad is so important and the players who are in there at the moment you know aren’t over fatigued up front so that’s a good thing as well and uh you know the creation we’ve got and the chances we’re still creating is going to benefit these players without a doubt fan of saurage greg yeah um i’m glad you mentioned him actually i forgot about that one when he came on the stoke fans like you know they were loud they booed him and you when we signed him you go on twitter and you see the stoke fans not happy about him and what an impact like that that ball he played to low was just superb and he showed good signs against blackburn as well i mean he could have scored but yeah he he’s a really good impact player uh and he didn’t off shut their fans up i thought he was superb but yeah with the blackburn game as well he’s like he’s won three penalties this year and started six games i think it said so he’s like he is that perfect impact player and he might be the difference on friday again you could see him coming on with 20 minutes to go and doing something so excellent signing so far yeah and brennan johnson hit double figures i know we talk about him a lot because he has done so well but lewis grabbing could have been a big miss i think in his absence others have stepped up haven’t they and brennan johnson is one probably already expected it because he’s such a good player but um great to see him hit double figures it’s quite a a landmark i guess isn’t it gary well we’re talking about you know we’ve always talked about midfield players scoring you know you could clash him as a striker winger you know midfield player but he’s in double figures which is so important takes the pressure off strikers um the worry is you know center half don’t seem to score many goals now you know you could count maybe the three of them at the back and maybe they’re not only double figures i don’t know yet but you know i’ve not looked but yeah you’ve got to get goals from all over the place and um his finish again was so cool at the weekend made a lot a lot easier by the quality of the ball in from low it was the ball of the game for me and lo had not had the best of games up until that period but the belief he’s got in himself to get in the right area to be brave enough to get in the right area and deliver that quality was just fantastic and the finish was people say oh that was quite easy believe me when it’s coming in at pace you’ve got to get your body shape right you’ve got to relax and let it come on to you because if you attack it too much you can you know you can sky it put it wide you just got to relax and make sure you hit the target and it was a cracking finish yet again he’s quite underrated isn’t he greg mcslow he seems to go under the radar a little bit yeah and he’s another one i’d hope we’d look to see if we can sign him you know depending on leagues and stuff but um he i think he’s excellent and because everything goes down the other side there always seems to be space for him like he seems to be waving his hands and on his own on that side and that’s what happened to settle the goal i thought so he is he’s a very good player and just another brilliant loan signing and my big worry now is if we make the playoffs we get put against sheffield or middlesbrough and we’re going to lose one of our two best players aren’t we so it’s a nice thought to have but it’d be nice next season you know whatever league we’re in to not have to have as many loans you know a bit more of a long-term uh plan with these signings but you know it’s it’s an exciting time but it’s a worrying time that we could lose so many players in the summer so i’m sure these are organized enough behind the scenes to have things in place already about that which we haven’t in previous years it probably says i know when we’ve spoken to any of the lone players and max lowe especially he always says that he feels at home at forest now and that probably says a lot about the culture that’s been created and the atmosphere and the buzz around the place and that can only help can’t it gary when you go out on the pitch it makes you feel a million dollars you know when you’ve got a manager like that who’s you know backs you who praises you who will give you a start and going back to greg’s point about the we’ve got two options now which is fantastic i mean i played with robertson and o’neill it was a 4-4-2 but the two outlets were absolute absolutely brilliant for us yeah john robertson best player i’ve ever played with and you ask anybody you know about a lot he’s the best player that played with but martin was i think very underrated by everybody but as lot at times because you knew that had robbo been marked with two which he often was but he could still beat them what a great outlet martin was on the other side and he he’d get your double figures in a season as well plus he had viv anderson you know talk about attacking right backs or full full-backs fib was one of the first you know you couldn’t stop him getting forward it was just unbelievable and we had the confidence of frank on the other side you know you’ve got that balance and i think the balance at the moment within this team and the squad is massively evident you know you look at goner he’s suddenly you know come into a bit of form he looks better he looks fitter he looks more creative he looks happier on the football pitch and you’ve got the zinc angle who’s who can produce things and but he can al also have moments where you think well he could have done better but i think the balance we’ve got and the different sorts of players we’ve got in different areas causes real problems for opposition you know we’re not always predictable and i think the fact that the three center halfs are confident in that diagonal ball to switch play whether it gets cut out or not they’ll still try and play it you know joe wall is probably the best he strikes a better ball but the other two will try it as well you know you don’t want to do it like we did uh when we conceded that silly goal um which game was that was it the um the awake the cardiff game wasn’t it where we get that goal away and you know trying to play across but keep doing it if it’s successful it’s a great outlet and we have the pace on both flanks for that to happen and when you’re doing that it’s important you you try and get pick as many second balls up as you possibly can because that is so important as well teams who pick the second ball up um you know genuinely are difficult teams to beat because you know they gamble and it’s really in areas that can hurt you and i think we do that quite well we haven’t really mentioned joel for going in goal but mr nottingham forest himself he probably typified him that he was first to put his hands up and straight in there and gave it his all didn’t he greg he was he was great and you know what was nice as well and an outfield player in goal is distribution is just on another level isn’t it and i think that really helped us like the build up to the goal getting that ball up there so quickly and it’s just nice to know he’s there he should never have to be put in that position again hopefully i do think the fact that he was knackered as well had some part to play because you know he’d come back from injury from the rib injury quicker than i think a lot of people expected so that’s probably why his head went up quickly as well seven minutes a few minutes i think he loved it it was like playground football for him wasn’t it i think well i used to do that i used to play for south knotts and i was a reserve goalkeeper and i loved it so yeah i know where he’s coming from in that respect do you know like just thinking when you were talking then and you mentioned garner and zinc and eglise it’s incredible they can be such good players and we don’t talk about them because you feel like this squad is like once in a generation squad for forrest it for me you go back to like the billy davis playoff squad and how good they were and how you look back and you think how did we not get promoted and i feel with this squad it’s even better i think as long as we get in that playoffs we’re gonna have such a good chance um and it’s well basically just you forget about how many of these players i think there’s 12 or 13 that could get man of the match in the squad and it’s like davis when he when he started he was shattered and we’ll talk about the ref again he’s making all these runs and then the referee will blow and you think god he’s just ran 30 yards down the wing to like fight him for every ball um so no wonder they’re so tired and no wonder we’ve got these players on the squad like getting on straight away but i just think we well i don’t know where i’m going with this to be honest but we’ve just got to keep this momentum up and that last minute goal just like it epitomizes where this squad is at the minute and the fight they’ve got so again i looked at the table greg as well and you looked at stoke before the game you thought if they win today there’s another team could just creep into contention a little bit so holding them off and just getting the one point you know is quite beneficial for us again yeah i think they’d they’d have got within two points wouldn’t they yes they’d have won close isn’t it yeah the table’s so close is that why friday’s a really important game do you think gary that if they get if they get a resort at bournemouth that it not only sends out a statement but it also closes that gap doesn’t it it does and like we say teams are going to be playing against each other at the top of the table and then they’re not top six before the end of the season so if you can win against teams in and around you um you know that’s fantastic because that puts more pressure on them in the next game they have to play because bournemouth at home will be thinking yes it’s not even forest but we’re at home you know look at the table we’re better than them we should be winning this game but we all know what pressure does and the pressure to get in the premier league you know they’ve been in there they want to get back in there yeah they’re desperate the pressure’s on them more than us really you know with what steve’s done since he came in the turnaround has been one of the most significant turnarounds i think i’ve seen in many a year in any division you know for a new man to come in and create what he’s created not just with results but the whole atmosphere at the football club is changed dramatically you know you drink with the fans and everything and you know you listen to what they’re saying and you know they’re loving every minute of what you know he’s doing at the club and you’ve got to try and build and thrive on that and use that to you know put yourself in contention and i think we’ve still got a big chance of getting in contention and uh you know cement the place in the playoff places without a doubt through that greg yeah and again with the fans it was noticeable on saturday how many people didn’t leave when you just concede a 90th minute like winner as we thought you know you’ve lost your keeper the game’s gone but even the fans believed that we could still get something and we’re proven right so there’s belief everywhere in this team this squad and the fans at the minute so it just has to continue and you know we’re not going to win every single game but if they if they get a point like they did on saturday it’s as good as a win for me so you know we might we might get those three points on friday this time instead we do score a lot of late goals which says a lot doesn’t it it’s all about character and spirit and that never say die attitude and they really do seem to have that i’d have to look how many late goals they’ve scored but it does seem to have been a lot well teams will score late goals you know they’re generally genuinely you’re generally in contention aren’t they because their ability to do that because they believe they can do it and you know it’s a never say die attitude and you can see it right throughout the squad never give up attitude and yes we could get something out of this game yes we’ve lost without a 10 member there was no doubt for me in any of their minds that they could get something out of it but as soon as that seven minutes went up you thought right yeah it’s possible yeah make any changes greg for friday other than in goal yeah i mean if fit i’d play yates as well um how do you feel i mean that’s the dialogue i’m just thinking that i don’t see who you leave out to get we need the back three i think that’s crucial with the way we play um yeah certainly not for call back i’ll leave that with cooper we’ll play 12 men get away with that it’s difficult he says a lot doesn’t it about the the quality and the the choices that the manager has to make that you’re debating who to leave out to put somebody like yates back in the team it’s well it’s you know who who you know who does drop out you know be harsh on anybody because of you know how they you know reacted on saturday but that’s why you know managers and managers they have to make these tough decisions and they only do it for the good of the team they don’t do it because you know of right you know i’m trying to be big here i’ll change it around you know you can tinker so much we’re seeing even the premier league you know managers tinker with things and it goes wrong for them you know steve will do it for the right reasons without a doubt and uh he all he wants to do is pick a side or win a football match or not lose that football match down there you know if we if if we go with the object to getting a point to start with i think we can get three i honestly do because i think we have the ability and the game that um might just frustrate bournemouth a little bit and you know the pace we have on the counter is just so evident it’s ridiculous so they’ll be wary they’ll be very wary so you’ll be just picking a team that he thinks will do the job for him on that particular night and that’s all you can do you just have to hope you get a good referee as well i hate having a go at rest but my word it was a little bit of a just you know i don’t know a strut about him as well and you thought for goodness sake the number of times we we could have carried on and he blew his whistle too early you know played the advantage i think three or four times i can recall you think you know you could hear the groans around the ground it was just staggeringly bad at times yeah i think the standard this year hasn’t it but i haven’t heard the crowd get on a referee’s back like that in a in a long while and he seemed to revel in it he seemed to just get worse and worse progressively when the crowd got on his back and he was making stoke fans weren’t happy with him either and you just don’t rolled accountable and he’s not in the championship for next weekend trans that what should should happen but it really does yeah i guess we should acknowledge before the game as well there was a nice show of support from forest fans going to fat cats which got uh yeah got got some rough treatment from leicester fan shall we say the the week before um i know greg you were part of the organizing of that so it was good to see and a nice a nice show of support from fans yeah and i think a lot of i didn’t actually get chance to go down myself but the the lad who had the idea just got in touch with us because we’ve got quite a big platform and we put it out there for him and fat cats were brilliant they really welcome in and i think it’s just nice to show there’s a lot of you know bad press at the minute with football fans nationally isn’t it and something like that it’s only a small gesture and it it’s a good excuse to get out there earlier as well which i don’t think many people we seem to be going back to the dark ages don’t we again you know the old football you know where you saw bottles being thrown and things like that we don’t you think that’s that’s in the past but it’s it’s happening on a regular basis every weekend now and i was listening to jeff stelling the other week and he was saying what is going on why are we going you know down that route again and michael o’neil i think he mentioned one of his players nearly got hit by a glass bottle or something so you know things like that you don’t want to hear things like that it’s just you know ridiculous we don’t want to go back to the bad old days you know especially our ground i mean we saw the leicester fan come on the other week and you just don’t want those incidents you want to be talking about the good things in the game not things like that no especially and there’s so many good things to talk about so we’ll end with a prediction for friday greg i’ll let you go first um school prediction for friday 91st minute winner laney like 2-1 yates header two and two for eights i like it i like it gary what’s yours he’s taking he stole my thunder i was going to go 2-1 as well i think you’d probably do well to stop them scoring because you know again they’ve got you know players throughout that team who can make a difference and um but i back our back three or back five whatever you want to call it i just think we’ll win it by the odd goal i was going to go 2-1 i think they’ll get three two ones then well well either way hopefully it’s a good result and a good performance that’s that’s uh what we’d all like to see i think and lots of more positive things to talk about which is good um but thank you both i might actually go friday night because i’m doing the southampton game on uh are you on saturday mother not too far are you going greg yes yeah we’re going you know another awkward kick off time give us an excuse to get a hotel in bournemouth for the night so uh yeah really looking forward to sold out away end yeah so i’m going down oh yeah brilliant well hopefully we’ll have a win to talk about um so thank you both for coming on i really appreciate it and it’s been nice to talk about positive things which is good um so thank you greg and thank you gary really appreciate it good to see you both and thank you everybody for watching as always thanks sarah cheers thank you and thanks for everybody watching and for getting involved and we’ll be back with another podcast soon

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