Dore On Tour Forest Podcast – New Signings
[Applause] oh welcome people it’s mr dog back again i hope everyone’s fitting well and yes more podcasts no more topics for the main topic today nothing foreign deal lots to talk about lots to talk about if you’re new to the channel please do hit the like button subscribe if you’re new to the…
Nottingham Signing Joe Aribo? #nffc
foreign my name is Max welcome back to my YouTube channel and another Nottingham Forest video yes we are back with some more tactics and transfers today discussing a rumored move for Nigerian International and Rangers midfielder Joe aribo the club are yet to agree any kind of deal and there’s not really any kind…
Nottingham Forest History Podcast Hodge #nffc
steve hodge was a great midfielder for forest and for england he’ll tell you all about his nottingham forest career in part one next [Music] i wanted to talk to you about your forest career as well which was obviously in the big league uh at the time although obviously the first division um obviously…
Taiwo Awoniyi predictions for Forest #nffc
hey what’s going on guys so tayo honey is all set to sign for nottingham forest after they met his release clause of 17 and a half million pounds to say i’m shocked about this would be an understatement as i’ve mentioned in previous videos forests are obviously a massive club but the fact that…
Nottingham Forest Podcast Garibaldi Red
[Applause] you’re listening to garibaldi red a nottingham forest podcast brought to you by nottinghamshire live hello welcome to garrett hold your red we’ve got a new music and a new intro video which we didn’t know about until about two seconds ago so those who are watching were almost as surprised as i was…
Forest Huddersfield penalty decisions questioned.
feel a little bit of huddersfield they got their bad decisions went against them really bad decisions two stonewall penalties for me no argument at all and i like it to be fair i like to win a game of football fair don’t blame forest on that yeah with the officials you have to understand…
Guru Nanak’s Helping Local Community Meals
so we have collaborated before with the nautical forest community trust the idea there is to make sure that our communities are looked after kids because during holidays they don’t get the free meals from school the idea is to make sure the kids don’t go hungry importance of kids having here because it’s important…