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Nottingham Drill – DrllxMtchll – Obsidian Freestyle


drllxmtchll Drill music nottingham


Nottingham Drill Music Artist DrllxMtchll – Obsidian Freestyle Music Video

#drllxmtchll #drill #ukdrill #freestyle @RoskoRecords

Nottingham’s Premier Driller DrllxMtchll back again with the latest edition to his impressive catalogue of music, with Shxdow (Nottingham’s Grimiest Rapper) featured in the video, both Artists have been capturing the mood of the climate of danger, violence, rivalry, reputation and robbery in Nottingham.

DrllxMtchll was one of the first to represent Nottingham Drill Music with a Video way back in 2016

Becoming a Drill Fan favourite ever since his 2017 song called “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” Which challenges the audience, if they “do road?” Slang for.. are you an active criminal?

Nottingham Drill Music

Lyrically his style flows very well delivering raw graphic images in the mind’s of his listeners, the original construction to his bars his trademark sound, that distinctive Nottingham Slang, complex wordplay, gritty realism, mixed into every verse.

We have a thriving music scene in Nottingham, with many artistical flair and unique creativity, it is a double edged sword, in that, the lifestyle is what appeals to the young listeners, the music is the instrumental to their real, and dangerous lives growing up, making choices as young adults.. in Nottingham… City of Outlaws.