Information about Uk Traditional Christmas and winter customs Santa claus

Whether it’s decorating your house for Christmas or putting out a Christmas tree, there are many traditional ways to celebrate the holiday in the UK. From a sock in the window for Santa to a festive jigsaw, there are plenty of festive activities that you can enjoy this year.
In England, it is not uncommon to find a tree in the front room. It is a tradition that has been popularized by Queen Victoria and her German husband Albert in the Victorian era. The Christmas tree was originally introduced by devout Christians in Germany who decorated evergreen conifers with ornaments. They believed the tree symbolised eternal life. In the 16th century, German townspeople began to use glittering ornaments.
Some people decorate their houses with holly, ivy or a tree. Some places also decorate their houses with mistletoe. The use of mistletoe was a common practice for Christian couples, who would kiss beneath the branches of the tree. This practice evolved into an annual celebration whereby families gathered together to exchange gifts and eat a big meal.
In the UK, the word ‘Christmas’ is actually a contraction of ‘the Mass for Jesus’, which was held in early medieval times in England. The earliest recorded Christmas card dates back to AD 1467. The most famous of all the Christmas lights in the UK is the one in Oxford Street in London.
The Royal Christmas Message is a pre-recorded speech that is broadcast on TV and radio throughout the festive season. The first televised message was given by King George V in 1932. It was also the first speech to be broadcast from Sandringham. Now the message is broadcast online and on radio.
Another tradition that is quite popular in the UK is a Christmas trifle. The most popular type of trifle is made with raspberries and whiskey. This is usually served with custard on top and whipped cream. A large bowl is used to mix all the ingredients. It is often served in the evening.
Another popular Christmas tradition is a ‘Yule log’. This was an old English term for the period leading up to Christmas, when people commemorated the continuity of the sun. The ‘Yule log’ was traditionally placed on the hearth on the eve of the solstice. It was lit with a brand from the previous year.
A lot of people don’t realise that the Christmas tree was actually a Germanic tradition. In the Victorian era, Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert were introduced to the Christmas tree by their Hanoverian ancestors. They took the tradition with them and adopted it in England. The tree would be decorated with ornaments, sweets and pine cones. This tradition was passed on to their children and continued in their homes.
The Royal Christmas Message, or ‘The Queen’s speech’, is a traditional British tradition that was introduced by King George V in 1932. It has now been adapted to the digital age and is now a pre-recorded address that is broadcast over radio and television.