Nottingham Online

Nottingham Street Vlog

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  • c tFbGJYsU

    Nottingham Careers – Homecare – Working Day

    what works well for us primarily is working around our family and my husband works during the day so he finishes just after five o’clock and i’m able to go to work after so i’m able to take the kids to school i’m able to pick them up from school and do any reading do…

  • AByFmvCiIEY

    Talk Forest TV Podcast #coyr #nffc

    [Music] come on [Music] hey guys what’s going on it’s talk fast tv we are back with the latest and tv news ask for you showing your alive as well which is quite nice because obviously we’re all getting quite a few live streams this week so i hope it’s quite nice i’ll see the…

  • radford road crime

    Nottingham Radford Road – Safe Place to Live?

    I have decided to start writing opinion pieces on the Nottingham Local News and concerns, due to being constantly censored by The Nottingham Post (aka .. IMHO … Nottingham Lies) As this post is purely my personal opinion as a resident and frequent visitor to Radford and Hyson Green, we shall begin with my own…

  • ZvQGGNfY

    Nottingham Where is Alex Belfield? #News

    welcome back to the channel i am the barrister for this sunday morning sunday the 13th of february 2022 for an exclusive for you on alex bellfield you may have noticed that alex belfield has temporarily at least disappeared from youtube that’s because alex billfield has been given a temporary suspension by youtube and i…

  • eSMuEoqoqI

    #Nottingham Vlog Geocaching Raymondo Family

    another mini one good morning everyone from a very cold and crisp day and we’re about to go out and do some more geocaching try and get our numbers up a bit more sun is shining and now better scrape the [Music] that’s my windows the windows have been done yeah crafty i just found…

  • xCUbYkXHA

    Notts County Training Video Eastleigh

    once around each way get those levers on keep those legs locked out hit slightly forward transition through hit the ground hard from here okay we’re not decelerating here we’re backpedalling side shuffle sorry side shuffle backpedal okay and then the way so side to side first twice on the other side then get that…

  • SipdCJl JE

    Nottingham Skate Park Tour Vlog

    hi I’m Miriam and we’re at ladybug [Music] the rail is really fun and there’s not really anything i don’t like about it except the open bowl where all the scooters [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] another is [Music] yes are you ready [Music] [Applause] everybody come to this part wait no we like it quiet…